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许培昌1 崔淑丽2
摘要 目的:拔火罐是中医临床常用的治疗疾病的一种方法。 多年来,对其作用机理的研究有一些报道, 但
对象共43 人, 均为针灸门诊背痛患者。 其中男性29 例, 女性14 例; 年龄21~79 岁, 平均52.4 岁。观察中
采用中号玻璃火罐, 罐内容量大小为260ml。 拔罐部位则随机选取左侧或右侧心俞(21 例), 或肾俞(12 例)
为拔罐部位, 另一侧同样部位为对照观察, 不予拔罐。
同时的对照观察。结果:拔罐后局部皮肤温度先降后升,在留罐10 分钟后起罐时罐区皮肤温度较拔罐前
皮肤温度下降0.4±0.9 摄氏度(P=0.004),起罐后10 分钟比拔罐前罐区皮肤温度升高0.40.4±1.1 摄氏度
(P=0.016);起罐后10 分钟比起罐时罐区皮肤温度升高0.8±0.9 摄氏度(P=0.000)。而对照部位的皮肤温
关键词 针灸,拔罐法,皮肤温度,红外线热像图
The Effects of Cupping on Localized Skin Temperature of Patients with Back Pain
Aw Chen Wee Derrik1 Xu Sheng3 Lee Tat Leang1
Xu Peichang1, Cui Shuli2, Aw Chen Wee Derrik1, Xu Sheng3, Lee Tat Leang1
(1. Acupuncture Clinic, Rehabilitation Centre, National University Hospital of Singapore,Singapore; 2.
Singapore General Hospital,Singapore; 3. Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore)
Key words Acupuncture,Cupping,Skin Temperature,Infrared Image
Cupping is one of the common clinical treatments in traditional chinese medicine(TCM). Over the years there
The 9th World Congress of Chinese Medicine
·17 2·
临 床 研 究
Clinical research
have not been many reports on its mechanism of action and none on the effects of cupping on localized skin
temperature. This study is conducted to observe the effect of cupping on localized temperature changes in the
Materials and Methods
43 patients(29 male, 14 female) with back pain were prospectively recruited for this study. The age range was 21
to 79years old , average 52.4 years old. All of the 43 patients’ body temperatures were normal, All patients did not
have swelling, redness or scars on the back, none had skin allergies.
2.Method of cupping:
2.1 Dimension of the cup: medium-size cup with volume of 260ml was used.
2.2 Source of heat: for each cupping carried out, one piece of alcohol swab(WEBCOL, made in USA) with 70%
alcohol content was used.
2.3 Position of cupping: Acupoint selected was Xinshu(BL 15, 21 cases) or Shenshu(BL 23, 12cases). The
contralateral side Xinshu(BL 15) or Shengshu(BL 23) was control.
2.4 Cupping procedure: The alcohol swab was ignited, inserted into the cup quickly, swirled once at the bottom of
the cup, then immediately removed. The cup was then placed over the above mentioned acupoints and kept in
place by suction for 10 minutes.
3.Recording of localized skin temperature:
3.1 Instrument: Swedish made ThermaCAM PM575 infrared camera device with thermal sensitivity <0.1oC and
measurement accuracy ±2%. The experiment was conducted in a non-ventilated room with an ambient
temperature of 22 – 24oC.
3.2 Methods and steps in observations: infrared camera was placed at a distance of 1.5 meters from the area of
cupping. The temperature of the area tested and the control area were recorded before cupping, upon removal of
the cup, and 10 minutes after removal of the cup.
3.3 Measurement of temperatures: A computer software provided by the manufacturer of the infrared camera was
used to quantify the skin temperature of cupping site and control site.
1. Statistical analysis: date was analyzed with SPSS 9.0 and the paired T test used for statistical analysis.
1.Changes in temperature before and after cupping: the skin temperature after leaving the cup on for 10 minutes
was 0.4±0.9 degree Celsius (P=0.004) lower than the skin temperature before cupping; the skin temperature 10
minutes after removing the cup was 0.40.4±1.1 degree Celsius (P=0.016) higher than the skin temperature before
cupping; the skin temperature 10 minutes after removing the cup was 0.8±0.9 degree Celsius higher than the
temperature upon removing the cup.
2.Comparison between skin temperature of area cupped and area not cupped: before cupping, the skin temperature
of both area was 33.4±1.0 degree Celsius (p=0.265). upon the removal of the cup after 10 minutes of cupping, the
difference in temperature between the two areas was 0.1±0.7 degree Celsius (P=0.505), However, 10 minutes after
cup removal, the area cupped had a temperature of 1.1±0.9 degree Celsius (P<0.001) higher than the area not
3.Skin temperature changes over uncapped areas: The skin temperature after leaving the cup on for 10 minutes
was 0.5±0.5oC lower than the skin temperature before cupping(P<0.001). The skin temperature 10 minutes after
removing the cup was 0.7±0.6oC lower than that before cupping(P<0.001) and 0.2±0.3 oC lower than the
temperature when removing the cup(P<0.001)
In TCM, it is believed that the cupping method has the function of warming and promoting the free flow of Qi and
blood in the meridians, dispelling cold dampness, diminishing swelling and pains1. There are not many articles on
the effects of cupping over the years. Zhao Xixing considered rupturing of blood capillaries due to the
engorgement of blood during cupping as the cause of the various color changes in the skin seen during this
procedure2. Tian Yuying also observed the different effects on local follicular blood capillaries caused by different
negative pressures3. Li Yaming and Lu Jing found a dynamic decrease in the absolute value of the negative
pressure in internal cup with the cup retaining time4,5. Our study is the first to report the effects of cupping on the
localized skin temperature during cupping.
The infrared thermal camera is a non-contact modality of measuring temperature which is reliable, accurate and
easy to use. Using the infrared thermal camera in this study, we have demonstrated that after cupping, the local
skin temperature first falls then rises. This could be explained by the localized sluggish su***ce blood circulation
caused by the internal negative pressure created in the cup during cupping which in turn caused a fall in su***ce
The 9th World Congress of Chinese Medicine
临 床 研 究
Clinical research
temperature. When the cup is removed, there is an increase in local blood circulation due to the removal of the
internal negative pressure in the cup and from the stimulation from the negative pressure which in turn causes the
skin temperature to rise. On the other hand, the skin temperatures on the control side show s steady decrease over
the time-points.
Table: Localized Skin Temperature Changes with Cupping。(X±SDoC)
After Cupping
P value
(compared with before cupping)
Cupping 33.4±1.0 33.0±1.3*** 33.8±1.2** ** P<0.05
Control 33.4±1.0 32.9±0.9*** 32.7±1.0*** ***P<0.01
P value >0.05 >0.05 <0.001
[1] Cheng Xinnong. Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion [M]. Beijing:Foreign Languages Press,1987:347.
[2] 赵喜新, 王磊琼, 李鸿章,等.感冒人群与正常人群在拔罐疗法中的罐斑显色差别研究[J]. 河南中医学院学报,2005,20(5):24-25.
[3] 田宇瑛,秦丽娜,张维波.不同拔罐负压对皮肤血流量影响的初步观察[J]. 针刺研究,2007,32(3):184-185.
[4] 李亚明,李铁浪,余霜泉. 拔火罐内负压和温度动态变化的实验观察[J]. 湖南中医学院学报,1999,19(4):58-59.
[5] 卢静,王磊,褚晓彦,等.火罐内压力变化及罐内负压对毫针进针深度影响观察[J]. 生物医学工程学杂志,2010,1:71-74.


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