刘茜蒨1 刘明铭2 刘景鸿
(1 北京大学深圳医院,2 深圳市第二人民医院)
1 作者简介
郝金凯,1927 年生于北京密云县疃里村(原河北省怀柔县疃里村),研究员,1950 年北京华北国医学
院肄业,从事针灸研究50 余载,出版过针灸图书《针灸经外奇穴图谱》《针灸经外奇穴图谱》(续集)《实
The 9th World Congress of Chinese Medicine
针 灸 经 络
Acupuncture & meridians
书籍。1978 年国家卫生部聘任为《针灸学辞典》编审委员。参加审定《中医大辞典》针灸分册。1978 年
测定法,首先在延安应用于临床,结合吸氧,创立了实测经络针灸疗法,为提高及推广此疗法,1991 年陕
络针灸研究中心”,广东省建立“珠海市实验经络针灸所”。1992 年中共陕西省委知识分子工作领导小组及
2 背景
《针灸经外奇穴图谱》(修订版)[1],经过近半个世纪终于在2011 年5 月问世了。该书作者郝金凯20
世纪50 年代在北京工作期间,开始从事经穴文献整理工作,后发现历代对经穴的研究十分系统,而且内
如唐代《备急千金要方》[3]记载奇穴187 个,明代《奇效良方》[4]列奇穴26 个,明代《针灸大成》[5]则专
列“经外奇穴”一门,戴35 个奇穴,成为后世腧穴分类专分奇穴的第一部专书,明代《类经图翼》[6]亦专列
“奇俞类集”篇,载84 穴,清代《针灸集成》[7]载144 穴。确定研究方向以后,先后到中国中医研究院图书
书馆,查阅有关奇穴文献资料,在幻灯下察看包括从美国复制回国的图书胶片。终于在1963 年收集奇穴
588 个穴名正式出版《针灸经外奇穴图谱》 。请大文学家、医学家、考古学家、书法家、前中国科学院郭
沫若院长署签,郭老欣然命笔,并签名用印,以示重视,同时为《针灸经外奇穴挂图》题写图名。1974 年
完成1007 个奇穴名的续集终于得到出版。国内[8-10]外针灸学界给予该书一定评价并载入《中国科学大事
3 方法
本书自1963 年出版以来,经过约半个世纪没有再版是因为没有新的内容可以修订。自1977 年郝金凯
与中国科学院生物物理研究所祝总骧教授为首的几十位专家参与下,经过30 余年艰苦工作,通过1000 余
例人(黄、白、黑种人)群,测定1mm 宽的实测经脉线,终身不变,并与《黄帝内经》文献相吻合。中
度定位性,终生相对不变,LPSC、LIP 和PAP 三条线重合,有严格的循经性,并与古典经络图谱相吻合;
这三种方法测得的经脉线在人群中具有普遍性;LPSC 占95—98%,LIP 和PAP 为100%,不同年龄和性别
的人都能测到并可重复验证,科学客观的证实针灸经络的客观存在。1989 年编成《针灸经络生物物理学》
[13]。例如足阳明胃经小腿至足循行的一段,1026 年王惟一著《铜人腧穴针灸图经》将此段经脉线,从下巨
者,别跗上,入大指间,出其端。”由是三条线组成,1982 年谢君国等所测结果与《黄帝内经》完全一致。
自1977 年开始在延安应用于临床实践,首先按经络辨证,然后用LPSC、LIP 和PAP 定经取穴。依传统方
法针或灸。如针时,在1mm 宽的实测经脉线上只扎一针,简称经上一针。然后辨证吸氧。因这种针灸治
疗法是实验条件下,客观地测得1mm 宽的实测经脉线后施行,以达到保健和防治疾病的目的,故称之为
实测经络针灸疗法,23 万人次临床病例应用实测经络针灸疗法治疗。 2008 年《实测经络针灸疗法》[14]
出版。2009 年《实测经络针灸学概要》[15]出版。由此实测经络针灸疗法恢复了《黄帝内经》的历史原貌。
4 主要内容及创新点
实测经脉线上有345 个奇穴,与经穴数字接近,从穴位的数量证明经络的客观存在,是真实的、可靠
The 9th World Congress of Chinese Medicine
•30 2•
针 灸 经 络
Acupuncture & meridians
的,证实在1963 年在凡例中的论断。由此《针灸经外奇穴图谱》有必要重新编排再版供针灸工作者进一
步研究考证。本书分上、中、下三篇,由于经络得到客观证实,经实验研究,在1 毫米宽的经脉线的线外
1cm 与在经脉线上针刺的效果有明显差异,所以上篇定为:经上奇穴,十四经体表循行实测经脉线上的奇
穴,将1963 年版及1974 年出版的续集和在1974 年后收集到的在经脉线上的所有345 个奇穴编入上篇,
点。中篇:经外奇穴,十四经体表循行实测经脉线外的奇穴,计1219 个奇穴;下篇,集合奇穴,计91 个
奇穴,供研究人员作为历史文献参考。共计1655 个奇穴。中篇按体表部位,头、颈、躯干、四肢排列,
[1] 郝金凯.针灸经外奇穴图谱(修订版)[M].北京:人民军医出版社,2011.
[2] 著作不详.灵枢经[M].北京:人民卫生出版社影印,1956.
[3] 孙思邈.备急千金要方[M].北京:人民卫生出版社影印,1955.
[4] 方贤.奇效良方[M].明成化太医院刊黑口本.
[5] 杨继洲.针灸大成[M].北京:人民卫生出版社影印,1955.
[6] 张介宾.类经图翼[M].北京:人民卫生出版社影印,1958.
[7] 廖润鸿,针灸集成[M].北京:人民卫生出版社影印,1956.
[8] 杨甲三,张吉,针灸学[M].北京:人民卫生出版社,1989.
[9] 王啓才.经外奇穴归经刍议.南京中医学院学报,1989,(2):41-42.
[10] 单宝枝.经外奇穴研究概况.上海中医药杂志,2006,40(1).
[11] 美国针灸杂志,1976,4(1).
[12] 杉•充胤.东洋医学杂志,1976,8,4(3).
[13] 祝总骧,郝金凯.针灸经络生物物理学,中国第一大发明的科学验证[M].北京:北京出版社,1989.
[14] 郝金凯,刘茜蒨,刘明铭.实测经络针灸疗法[M].北京:人民卫生出版社,2008.
[15] 郝金凯,刘茜蒨,刘明铭.实测经络针灸学概要[M].北京:人民卫生出版社,2009.
Atlas of the Extraordinary Acupoints (Revised edition)
Hao, Jinkai.editor
Qianqian Liu 1, Mingming Liu2 , Jinghong Liu
(1. Peking University Shenzhen Hospital, 2. Shenzhen Second People’s Hospital)
Extraordinary Acupoints were first described 2500 years ago in the Inner Canon of Yellow Emperor.
Subsequently, 187 extraordinary acupoints were recorded in Tang dynasty (600 B.C.), and 144 extraordinary
acupoints described in the Qing dynasty (1874).The Atlas of the Extraordinary Acupoints was first published in
1963, and was the first book to collect all known 588 extraordinary acupoints in medical history. The collection
extended to 1,007 acupoints in the first revised version published in 1974. The chief editor, Dr. Hao, Jinkai is an
outstanding physician with 56 years experience in acupuncture who searched all available documents on
acupuncturefrom the past 2500 years in big libraries in China and USA and published numerous classical books.
The title on the cover is calligraphy by MoruoGuo, the first President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, who is
a famous Chinese author, poet, historian andarchaeologist. His calligraphy is so famous that he was invited to
write the name for the Forbidden Palace, Bank of China, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and many other
famous places in China.Thus, this book is a perfect combination of Chinese medicine,Chinese culture and Chinese
art.This book is listed in China Science and Technology Events.The book is translated to Japanese and is
considered a seminal masterpiece.
The chief editor of this the current revised edition Dr. Hao, Jinkai began studying physiology and performing
biophysics research on acupuncture-meridians with Professor Zhu, Zhongxiang in 1977. Their area of expertise
includes accurate biophysical measurements of acupoints, including latent propagated sensation along channel
(LPSC), low impedance line of meridian (LIP), and high vibration frequency (PAP). These methods demonstrate
that the width of meridian is only one millimeter and verify the objective existence of the meridian system. The
authors drew detailed maps of acupuncture-meridian corresponding to ancient description in theInner Canon of
Yellow Emperor (500 B.C. – 300 B.C.), and published data in the book Acupuncture and Acupuncture-meridian
Biophysics, published in 1988 (the English edition was published in 2010). Subsequently, Dr. Hao, Jinkai
introducedhis bookExperimental Acupuncture-meridians treatment based on accurate biophysical measurement of
acupoint and oxygen intake for acupuncture. Two related books were published in 2008 and 2009with
230,000successful cases providing evidence of effectiveness.
The Atlas of the Extraordinary Acupoints (Revised edition) is edited on the basis of Experimental
Acupuncture-meridians. Experiments show that the effect acupuncture is significantly better if performed on the
The 9th World Congress of Chinese Medicine
针 灸 经 络
Acupuncture & meridians
meridiansrather than away from meridians. Thus, the first chapter lists 345 extraordinary acupoints based on
experimental acupuncture-meridiansdata. The other parts of the book list history documents as reference for future
research. The second chapter lists 1219 extraordinary acupoints in sequence of head, neck, trunk, four limbs. The
third chapter lists collections of 91 acupoints. The acupoints are demonstrated and explained in extensive
illustrations. This book is a superb guide and reference for professionals and trainees who are interested in
research on acupuncture and meridians and extraordinary acupoints.
(1 北京大学深圳医院,2 深圳市第二人民医院)
1 作者简介
郝金凯,1927 年生于北京密云县疃里村(原河北省怀柔县疃里村),研究员,1950 年北京华北国医学
院肄业,从事针灸研究50 余载,出版过针灸图书《针灸经外奇穴图谱》《针灸经外奇穴图谱》(续集)《实
The 9th World Congress of Chinese Medicine
针 灸 经 络
Acupuncture & meridians
书籍。1978 年国家卫生部聘任为《针灸学辞典》编审委员。参加审定《中医大辞典》针灸分册。1978 年
测定法,首先在延安应用于临床,结合吸氧,创立了实测经络针灸疗法,为提高及推广此疗法,1991 年陕
络针灸研究中心”,广东省建立“珠海市实验经络针灸所”。1992 年中共陕西省委知识分子工作领导小组及
2 背景
《针灸经外奇穴图谱》(修订版)[1],经过近半个世纪终于在2011 年5 月问世了。该书作者郝金凯20
世纪50 年代在北京工作期间,开始从事经穴文献整理工作,后发现历代对经穴的研究十分系统,而且内
如唐代《备急千金要方》[3]记载奇穴187 个,明代《奇效良方》[4]列奇穴26 个,明代《针灸大成》[5]则专
列“经外奇穴”一门,戴35 个奇穴,成为后世腧穴分类专分奇穴的第一部专书,明代《类经图翼》[6]亦专列
“奇俞类集”篇,载84 穴,清代《针灸集成》[7]载144 穴。确定研究方向以后,先后到中国中医研究院图书
书馆,查阅有关奇穴文献资料,在幻灯下察看包括从美国复制回国的图书胶片。终于在1963 年收集奇穴
588 个穴名正式出版《针灸经外奇穴图谱》 。请大文学家、医学家、考古学家、书法家、前中国科学院郭
沫若院长署签,郭老欣然命笔,并签名用印,以示重视,同时为《针灸经外奇穴挂图》题写图名。1974 年
完成1007 个奇穴名的续集终于得到出版。国内[8-10]外针灸学界给予该书一定评价并载入《中国科学大事
3 方法
本书自1963 年出版以来,经过约半个世纪没有再版是因为没有新的内容可以修订。自1977 年郝金凯
与中国科学院生物物理研究所祝总骧教授为首的几十位专家参与下,经过30 余年艰苦工作,通过1000 余
例人(黄、白、黑种人)群,测定1mm 宽的实测经脉线,终身不变,并与《黄帝内经》文献相吻合。中
度定位性,终生相对不变,LPSC、LIP 和PAP 三条线重合,有严格的循经性,并与古典经络图谱相吻合;
这三种方法测得的经脉线在人群中具有普遍性;LPSC 占95—98%,LIP 和PAP 为100%,不同年龄和性别
的人都能测到并可重复验证,科学客观的证实针灸经络的客观存在。1989 年编成《针灸经络生物物理学》
[13]。例如足阳明胃经小腿至足循行的一段,1026 年王惟一著《铜人腧穴针灸图经》将此段经脉线,从下巨
者,别跗上,入大指间,出其端。”由是三条线组成,1982 年谢君国等所测结果与《黄帝内经》完全一致。
自1977 年开始在延安应用于临床实践,首先按经络辨证,然后用LPSC、LIP 和PAP 定经取穴。依传统方
法针或灸。如针时,在1mm 宽的实测经脉线上只扎一针,简称经上一针。然后辨证吸氧。因这种针灸治
疗法是实验条件下,客观地测得1mm 宽的实测经脉线后施行,以达到保健和防治疾病的目的,故称之为
实测经络针灸疗法,23 万人次临床病例应用实测经络针灸疗法治疗。 2008 年《实测经络针灸疗法》[14]
出版。2009 年《实测经络针灸学概要》[15]出版。由此实测经络针灸疗法恢复了《黄帝内经》的历史原貌。
4 主要内容及创新点
实测经脉线上有345 个奇穴,与经穴数字接近,从穴位的数量证明经络的客观存在,是真实的、可靠
The 9th World Congress of Chinese Medicine
•30 2•
针 灸 经 络
Acupuncture & meridians
的,证实在1963 年在凡例中的论断。由此《针灸经外奇穴图谱》有必要重新编排再版供针灸工作者进一
步研究考证。本书分上、中、下三篇,由于经络得到客观证实,经实验研究,在1 毫米宽的经脉线的线外
1cm 与在经脉线上针刺的效果有明显差异,所以上篇定为:经上奇穴,十四经体表循行实测经脉线上的奇
穴,将1963 年版及1974 年出版的续集和在1974 年后收集到的在经脉线上的所有345 个奇穴编入上篇,
点。中篇:经外奇穴,十四经体表循行实测经脉线外的奇穴,计1219 个奇穴;下篇,集合奇穴,计91 个
奇穴,供研究人员作为历史文献参考。共计1655 个奇穴。中篇按体表部位,头、颈、躯干、四肢排列,
[1] 郝金凯.针灸经外奇穴图谱(修订版)[M].北京:人民军医出版社,2011.
[2] 著作不详.灵枢经[M].北京:人民卫生出版社影印,1956.
[3] 孙思邈.备急千金要方[M].北京:人民卫生出版社影印,1955.
[4] 方贤.奇效良方[M].明成化太医院刊黑口本.
[5] 杨继洲.针灸大成[M].北京:人民卫生出版社影印,1955.
[6] 张介宾.类经图翼[M].北京:人民卫生出版社影印,1958.
[7] 廖润鸿,针灸集成[M].北京:人民卫生出版社影印,1956.
[8] 杨甲三,张吉,针灸学[M].北京:人民卫生出版社,1989.
[9] 王啓才.经外奇穴归经刍议.南京中医学院学报,1989,(2):41-42.
[10] 单宝枝.经外奇穴研究概况.上海中医药杂志,2006,40(1).
[11] 美国针灸杂志,1976,4(1).
[12] 杉•充胤.东洋医学杂志,1976,8,4(3).
[13] 祝总骧,郝金凯.针灸经络生物物理学,中国第一大发明的科学验证[M].北京:北京出版社,1989.
[14] 郝金凯,刘茜蒨,刘明铭.实测经络针灸疗法[M].北京:人民卫生出版社,2008.
[15] 郝金凯,刘茜蒨,刘明铭.实测经络针灸学概要[M].北京:人民卫生出版社,2009.
Atlas of the Extraordinary Acupoints (Revised edition)
Hao, Jinkai.editor
Qianqian Liu 1, Mingming Liu2 , Jinghong Liu
(1. Peking University Shenzhen Hospital, 2. Shenzhen Second People’s Hospital)
Extraordinary Acupoints were first described 2500 years ago in the Inner Canon of Yellow Emperor.
Subsequently, 187 extraordinary acupoints were recorded in Tang dynasty (600 B.C.), and 144 extraordinary
acupoints described in the Qing dynasty (1874).The Atlas of the Extraordinary Acupoints was first published in
1963, and was the first book to collect all known 588 extraordinary acupoints in medical history. The collection
extended to 1,007 acupoints in the first revised version published in 1974. The chief editor, Dr. Hao, Jinkai is an
outstanding physician with 56 years experience in acupuncture who searched all available documents on
acupuncturefrom the past 2500 years in big libraries in China and USA and published numerous classical books.
The title on the cover is calligraphy by MoruoGuo, the first President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, who is
a famous Chinese author, poet, historian andarchaeologist. His calligraphy is so famous that he was invited to
write the name for the Forbidden Palace, Bank of China, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and many other
famous places in China.Thus, this book is a perfect combination of Chinese medicine,Chinese culture and Chinese
art.This book is listed in China Science and Technology Events.The book is translated to Japanese and is
considered a seminal masterpiece.
The chief editor of this the current revised edition Dr. Hao, Jinkai began studying physiology and performing
biophysics research on acupuncture-meridians with Professor Zhu, Zhongxiang in 1977. Their area of expertise
includes accurate biophysical measurements of acupoints, including latent propagated sensation along channel
(LPSC), low impedance line of meridian (LIP), and high vibration frequency (PAP). These methods demonstrate
that the width of meridian is only one millimeter and verify the objective existence of the meridian system. The
authors drew detailed maps of acupuncture-meridian corresponding to ancient description in theInner Canon of
Yellow Emperor (500 B.C. – 300 B.C.), and published data in the book Acupuncture and Acupuncture-meridian
Biophysics, published in 1988 (the English edition was published in 2010). Subsequently, Dr. Hao, Jinkai
introducedhis bookExperimental Acupuncture-meridians treatment based on accurate biophysical measurement of
acupoint and oxygen intake for acupuncture. Two related books were published in 2008 and 2009with
230,000successful cases providing evidence of effectiveness.
The Atlas of the Extraordinary Acupoints (Revised edition) is edited on the basis of Experimental
Acupuncture-meridians. Experiments show that the effect acupuncture is significantly better if performed on the
The 9th World Congress of Chinese Medicine
针 灸 经 络
Acupuncture & meridians
meridiansrather than away from meridians. Thus, the first chapter lists 345 extraordinary acupoints based on
experimental acupuncture-meridiansdata. The other parts of the book list history documents as reference for future
research. The second chapter lists 1219 extraordinary acupoints in sequence of head, neck, trunk, four limbs. The
third chapter lists collections of 91 acupoints. The acupoints are demonstrated and explained in extensive
illustrations. This book is a superb guide and reference for professionals and trainees who are interested in
research on acupuncture and meridians and extraordinary acupoints.