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吴曦 陈晓琴 张如飞 黄兵
(成都中医药大学,中国四川省成都市十二桥路37 号,610075)
摘要 目的:以安慰针刺为对照,评价针刺经穴治疗慢性疲劳综合征(CFS)的临床疗效。方法:将符合
纳入标准的72 例CFS 患者通过中央随机系统按照2:1 比例随机分为针刺经穴组及安慰针刺组。针具采用
Streitberger 安慰针,针刺经穴组选择真针刺肝俞、肾俞、足三里和神门,安慰针刺组选择安慰针针刺非经
非穴,左右交替使用,平补平泻治疗。入组0 周、4 周、16 周时采用疲劳严重程度量表(FSS)、躯体和心
理调查报告(SPHERE)、健康状况调查简表(SF-36)进行评价。结果:1)治疗4 周后针刺经穴组和安慰
针刺组FSS 积分均明显降低,针刺经穴组FSS 积分下降更为显著(P<0.05)。2)治疗4 周后针刺经穴组
SPHERE 积分明显降低(P<0.05),安慰针刺组SPHERE 积分轻度降低(P>0.05),两组SPHERE 积分下降
差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。3)治疗4 周后针刺经穴组的生理职能、总体健康和精神健康积分升高明显
优于安慰针刺组(P<0.05)。4)16 周随访时,针刺经穴组和安慰针刺组的FSS 积分、SPHERE 积分降低值
组间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:短期针刺经穴治疗可有效减轻CFS 的疲劳程度,并减少伴随症
关键词 慢性疲劳综合征;针刺治疗;安慰针刺;效力随机对照试验
Abstract Objective: To evaluate the efficiency of needling acupoints for chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).
Methods: 72 patients with CFS were randomized into needling acupoints group or sham needling non-acupoints
group in 2:1 ratio. Ganshu (BL18), Shenshu (BL23), Zusanli (ST36) and Shenmen (HT7) were applied in
needling acupoints group, and 4 non-acupoints were selected in sham needling non-acupoints group. Unilateral
points were choosed every time and left and right points were used alternately. Streitberger placebo-needles were
applied in mild reinforcing-reducing method. Fatigue Severity Scale(FSS), Somatic and Psychological Health
Report(SPHERE)and Short Form-36 Health Survey(SF-36)were evaluated in patients with CFS at baseline, the
fourth and sixteenth week. Results: The FSS scores of both groups have reduced apparently after fourth-week
treatment(P<0.05) and the needling acupoints group has reduced significantly larger than sham needling
non-acupoints group (P<0.05). The SPHERE score of needling acupoints group reduced apparently (P<0.05)
while that of sham needling non-acupoints group reduced slightly after fourth-week treatment (P>0.05) and the
needling acupoints group has reduced significantly larger than sham needling non-acupoints group (P<0.05). The
increased scores of mental health (MH), general health (GH) and role physical (RP) of needling acupoints group
were significantly larger than that of sham needling non-acupoints group at the sixteenth week (P<0.05).
Compared to the scores at baseline, the two groups had no significant difference (P>0.05) in reducing scores of
FSS and SPHERE at the sixteenth week. Conclusion: Needling acupionts has efficiency in reducing fatigue scale,
decreasing accompanying symptoms, and in improving quality of life on the whole for a short-acting for CFS.
Longer period of treatments might be needed to obtain consolidate curative effect.
Key words Chronic Fatigue Syndrome; Acupuncture; Sham Acupuncture; Efficacy Randomized Controlled


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